19 November 2016 was a pretty good day. I picked up the digitized Autumn Fever and I found out I am getting the ACCD FP Grant to digitize my journals, though I will be starting with the early 1990s.
November 1, 2016: I began shooting The Davids this summer, the companion project to The Odalisques, and featuring male nudes foreshortened and in focus head to foot. I also applied for the COLA grant and the ACCD fpg grant.
Jos as David, 2016
I started shooting The Rite of Spring on Super8 on June 17, 2016, and continued the Tetralogy of the Seasons in the summer. In two weeks, I shall be shooting Autumn Leaves on the weekend before the Frost Moon.
Still from The Rite of Spring, 2016
LEAP DAY 2016. I completed Years of Living Horologically today at 229 Museum Drive. The series is comprised of 366 diptychs.
January 17, 2016: Now that the Odalisques have been returned to Los Angeles, I am preparing my studio so that I can begin conducting studio visits. Odalisque #6: Julia on Lady of the Lake is the first piece hung in the new space.
I began remodeling the garage/studio at the end of 2015 and I hung Odalisque #6 yesterday.
Obelisks & Odalisques closed at McKelvey Gallery in the Knox Building in downtown Youngstown, Ohio from June through September 2015. The McKelvey Gallery is a mixed use space on the site of a Woolworth's Store. The Obelisks are still on display on the ground floor board room and the Odalisques are [no longer] on display on the newly renovated third floor gallery.
Odalisque #5: Erica on Broken Dishes, 2015